News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
When mentally ill LGBT people commit suicide, Leftists blame Christians (just like Leftists blame gun owners for all shootings by deranged lunatics)
Since they seem perpetually unable to take personal responsibility for their own perverse delusions and the self-violence that often ensues, members of the Cult of LGBTQ are now actively recruiting their leftist politician “allies” to pass anti-free speech “laws” that would specifically persecute Christians for allegedly causing LGBTQ people to commit suicide. According to reports, […]
By Ethan Huff
Instead of red flag laws, why won’t lawmakers investigate psychiatric drugs and their links to violence?
As we’ve come to expect, “RINOs” (Republicans in name only) like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina are now eagerly pushing the so-called “red flag” laws that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner want to see implemented all across the country as an affront to the Second Amendment. But why is nothing being said about the […]
By Ethan Huff
This is tolerance? LGBT people have ZERO tolerance for other LGBT people if they own guns for self-defense
Yet another subculture is emerging from within the ever-expanding Cult of LGBTQ: LGBTQs who like guns and want to better learn how to use them. The group “Pink Pistols,” which we’ve covered in the past, is making waves particularly within Seattle’s LGBTQ community for meeting with one another to discharge firearms at local gun ranges […]
By Ethan Huff
Practical tips for living a concealed carry lifestyle
When it comes to self-defense in today’s increasingly unstable world, a key element in being well-equipped is knowing how to properly use a firearm. And if you plan to carry a firearm on your person, especially concealed, then there are some additional things you need to know in order to do so safely and practically. […]
By Ethan Huff
Same group that pushes mandatory vaccines at gunpoint now says citizens should never own guns to defend themselves
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a rabidly pro-vaccine front group working on behalf of Big Pharma, recently mailed out a deceptive survey to its members asking them to explain how they are engaging in “Firearm Injury Prevention” – as if it’s part of the normal job description of doctors and pediatricians to somehow encourage […]
By Ethan Huff
UNREAL: Another anti-gun nut tries – and fails – to destroy the career and reputation of a pro-gun rights citizen
A small – but we’ll take it! – dose of justice has been served against a rogue government employee in Alaska who reportedly left a nasty note on the vehicle windshield of a local citizen who had affixed a pro-Second Amendment emblem on the back of his tailgate. Marti Buscaglia, who reportedly resigned from her […]
By Ethan Huff
Guess what happened the last time in history when Jews gave up their guns?
A shocking number of liberals, many of them Jewish, have convinced themselves that the best way to deal with societal gun violence is to simply take away all guns from law-abiding citizens. But it would seem as though these folks are forgetting what happened to them the last time the government took away everybody’s guns […]
By Ethan Huff
If you’re a woman and you don’t yet carry a gun, you need to see this eye-opening 22-second video
An off-duty female police officer from Sao Paulo, Brazil, avoided being robbed and possibly murdered a few days ago, thanks to a firearm she was carrying on her person during a late-night encounter with a would-be criminal who tried to approach her on the street. Illustrating once again why the right to bear arms is […]
By Ethan Huff
Teenage boy in New Zealand faces 14 years in prison for sharing mosque shooting video online
Free speech is dead in New Zealand, where an 18-year-old boy is now facing up to 14 years in prison for the “crime” of sharing video footage from the recent mass shooting that took place at two Muslim mosques in Christchurch on social media. The teenager in question recently appeared in Christchurch District Court, where […]
By Ethan Huff
Public school system SUED for indoctrinating children with gun control propaganda
A coalition of concerned parents in the far-Left enclave of Portland, Oregon, is suing the local public school system there over anti-Second Amendment propaganda, which they say is being actively taught to their children in the classroom on the taxpayers’ dime. Reports indicate that these parents are upset not only that Portland Public Schools (P.P.S.) […]
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