News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
After swearing off “corporate money” during campaign, anti-gun Democratic Senate candidate for Arizona Mark Kelly exposed for taking cash from Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Wall Street
Democrats love to talk a big game about how they’re supposedly the party that’s free from corporate influence, working solely on behalf of “the people” as opposed to multinational corporations. But as a new investigative report by The Intercept reveals, it’s more often than not just a bunch of political smoke and mirrors by Leftists […]
By Ethan Huff
Anti-gun nuts would rather see the New Zealand massacre DOUBLED in size, than watch a would-be victim defend the innocent with a handgun
Almost immediately after global news headlines started claiming that an Australian man had murdered several dozen Muslims while they were worshiping inside their mosques in New Zealand, Democrat Alexandria Occasional-Cortex (A.O.C.) from New York began running her mouth in condemnation of people’s “thoughts and prayers” about the incident, while simultaneously blaming the National Rifle Association […]
By Ethan Huff
Conservative? Hardly. New Zealand mass shooter is a far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China
As usual, the lying mainstream media is busy plastering up fake headlines all over the place about the latest mass shooting incident that took place in New Zealand, describing the alleged shooter as a “Trump-supporting white supremacist” who hates Muslims for being brown. But the guy’s own 1,500-page manifesto, which Big Tech is actively trying […]
By Ethan Huff
Medical fascism: Leftist publishers urging doctors to push gun control onto patients
There’s a sinister movement afoot that’s aiming to brainwash more Americans in to sacrificing their Second Amendment rights on the altar of political correctness by having physicians, rather than just politicians, tell them that “guns are bad.” According to reports, House Democrats working feverishly to eliminate the individual right to bear arms in the United […]
By Ethan Huff
Buy guns while you can: Hawaii Senate calls for repeal of the Second Amendment and the criminalization of private gun ownership
Democrat legislators in Hawaii, one of the most gun-restrictive states in the nation, are calling on the United States Congress to modify or repeal the Second Amendment as part of their latest insidious attempt at overriding the God-given, constitutional right of all Americans to bear arms. Known as Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) No. 42, the […]
By Ethan Huff
President Trump confirms he will VETO anti-gun bills and protect the Second Amendment
In keeping with his promise to protect gun rights in America, President Trump has announced that he won’t be signing any of the gun control bills currently being pushed by Democrats – as well as some Republicans – in Congress. Referencing two specific pieces of anti-gun legislation currently under consideration in the House, the White […]
By Ethan Huff
California Democrat spills the beans, says “gun confiscation” is the ultimate goal to “prevent all gun violence” … but who will carry it out?
Shall not infringe. Shall not infringe. Shall not infringe. How many times do the gun-grabbing Democrats in Congress need to hear these three simple words before they get it through their thick skulls that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects and guarantees Americans’ God-given right to bear arms, is non-negotiable? Apparently […]
By Ethan Huff
If “gun-free zones” actually worked, then 98% of mass shootings wouldn’t happen in them
A popular mantra of the gun control lobby contends that the more “gun-free zones” we implement as a society, the safer everyone will be from gun violence. But statistics show that virtually all mass shootings throughout history have occurred in places where guns were prohibited, which once again proves that gun-free zones don’t actually work […]
By Ethan Huff
Democrats use fake “gun violence” research just like they cite fake climate science research
Responding to President Trump’s recent declaration of a national emergency over the situation at our southern border, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi issued a threat to the nation about future Democratic presidents whom she says might try to declare their own national emergencies over “gun violence.” But the data that she and other Leftists […]
By Ethan Huff
School shootings data hoax: Schoolyard FIGHTS counted as “shootings”
The next time someone tries to tell you that we as a society need to ban guns because school shootings are now happening “nearly once a week,” or some other similarly outrageous figure, you might want to remind that person that official statistics on school “shootings” actually include various non-gun-related incidents of violence such as […]
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